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Girly's Stuff: From Instagram Dreams to Real-Life Success

Fariha Talha's Journey from Small Start to Big Success with Weecommerce!

From University Graduate to Entrepreneur

Fariha Talha always had big dreams, and in 2019, she decided to turn those dreams into reality. Fresh out of university and newly married, she started small—an Instagram page selling unique jewelry. With just PKR 2000 to invest, Fariha carefully added a small profit to each product, and slowly but surely, her business began to grow.

In the early days, Fariha's sister was by her side, helping to manage the budding business. But when her sister got married, Fariha found herself navigating the challenges alone. Now, with two young children—one just six months old—Fariha has mastered the delicate balance between motherhood and entrepreneurship.

Overcoming Challenges

Fariha's Journey Through the Pandemic

The journey, however, has been far from easy. The COVID-19 pandemic threw unexpected challenges her way, making it particularly difficult to manage orders as prices on Ali Baba fluctuated wildly.

Yet, Fariha's determination never wavered. "The key to success is to start before you're ready," she reflects, recalling the humble beginnings of her business and the hurdles she faced along the way.


Reaching New Heights with Weecommerce

Despite these obstacles, Fariha remained focused on her goals. She has set her sights on adding new products to her website this August, hoping to reach an even broader audience. She knows that having an official website will make shopping easier for her customers and boost her sales, especially with the right promotion and ads.

Weecommerce has been instrumental in this transformation, helping Fariha go digital and manage her business more efficiently.

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